Fast track to a college degree for high school students

Counselor Kristy Wilkens explains the new Degree in 3 program available to De Soto High School students.
A new opportunity, called Degree In 3, exists for college bound students at De Soto High School and all of USD 232 in order to reduce both the cost and time of college.
DHS, in conjunction with Johnson County Community College and the University of Kansas are offering a four-year college degree in only three years. At the end of those three years, students participating would receive an associates degree from JCCC and a bachelor’s degree from K.U. Edwards Campus in Overland Park.
“Degree in 3 is a student’s ability to earn a bachelor’s degree in a shorter amount of time,” counselor Kristy Wilkens said.
Year one of the program would be completed by the time of the student’s high school graduation. The next year would be spent taking classes at JCCC. The final year consists of classes taken on the Edwards Campus.
Degree in 3 has been offered in the Kansas City metro area for three years, however this is the first year it is being offered at DHS.
“College can be expensive so I think the biggest thing this program would allow is just to cut off a good year [thus decreasing the overall cost],” Wilkens said.
Freshman Katelyn Gress is considering the opportunity.
“I would be interested in doing Degree in 3 because I feel like it would be really beneficial and would help me get a head start in life,” Gress said.
Gress thinks that Degree in 3 would “be good for any students who are wanting to get ahead.”
Wilkens said participating in Degree in 3 would be beneficial to students who are interested in the degrees it offers.
DHS offers degrees through JCCC and KU such as Molecular Bioscience as well as a Bachelor of General Studies in literature, language and writing.
If DHS students are interested in doing Degree in 3, a KU representative will provide more information on Feb. 13 at 6:30 p.m at DHS. Information can also be found at

Meet Justine Wheeler. This is Justine’s junior year and her second year on staff. Last year, she worked on the Green Pride as a staff reporter. Her favorite...