Towner family fundraiser
The De Soto community supports the Towner family at the pancake fundraiser at JT’s Grill and Sports Bar on Jan. 27
A pancake breakfast fundraiser was held at JT’s Grill and Sports Bar in De Soto that donated all proceeds to the Towner family on Jan. 27.
Coen Towner, a Lexington Trails Middle School eighth grader, along with his father Jeremy Towner, were burned in an explosion, causing both to be rushed to the hospital.
Coen’s brother, Cole Towner, is a sophomore at De Soto High School. He shared the current condition of his brother and father.
“They are both progressing fairly well. My dad’s hands are incredibly tender and super-sensitive but getting better,” Cole said. “Coen is doing quite well considering the circumstances.”
There is a GoFundMe set up for the Towner family to assist with medical expenses, which has already reached over half of its $20,000 goal.
“It just shows how caring people are and it’s amazing to see people come together to help one family,” Cole said, “I’m truly honored to be a part of such an amazing community.”
Freshman Ingrid McGinnis attended the pancake breakfast fundraiser and is glad that the community has been helpful.
“We really feel like the Towners are an important part of this community, and it’s just really important for us to support them,” McGinnis said.
Cole is very thankful for all the support his family has received.
“From bringing hot meals, donating money or gift cards, to just a thought or prayer, the entire community has been incredibly helpful to me and my family,” Cole said.
Cole believes Coen has been remarkably tough through this experience and he encourages everyone to continue praying for him and his family.

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