The district is launching a new website

De Soto High School’s USD 232 District is launching a new updated website for the district as well as a new design for all of the school websites in the district in January 2018.
The URL will remain the same as before: The overall design, however, will change. There will be a more uniform layout since the district is designing both the district website and the individual school websites to be similar.
Guidance counselor Christine Johns has been working on DHS’s website along with the other counselors and athletic director Ryan Johnson.
“I’m really excited about it. It just seems to flow much better than the other one [website],” Johns said. “I like the color scheme and the format. I think it will be really user friendly.”
For the students services side, all three counselors are working on the website, and they have divided up the work between them.
“I’ll be working mainly on the scholarships and then I’m doing the grade requirements [information] right now,” Johns said.
The district believes that the website will be easier to navigate and information will be found quicker.
Johns and others who are working on the website are doing their best to make the website as helpful as possible.
“We try to put things in that a lot of kids or parents ask questions about, so it’ll be very specific on what it would look like,” Johns said.
This new update will make the websites accessible on a smartphone or tablet so that students will be able to get information they need when a computer is not available.
The USD 232 District serves seven elementary schools, three middle schools and two high schools, thus making it a commonly used site, which can prove to be very useful to students, teachers and parents. This new update will make the website even easier to access and navigate.

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