Students help with diaper drive to Texas hurricane victims

When a natural disaster hits, diapers might not be the first item one would think will be in need, but they are. Although it is easy nowadays to donate money with a swipe, donating diapers to the De Soto Diaper Drive is easy as well.
Seniors Bailey Canant and Hannah Knight decided to host a Diaper Drive at De Soto High School when Canant asked Principal Dustin Mortenson what they could do to help out with the hurricane victims in Houston, Texas. He informed her that several USD 232 schools were collecting donations.
Part of the reason why diapers are needed is that international relief agencies don’t provide them.
“I understand that [relief agencies] cannot tailor to everyone’s needs, but they should be able to provide some diapers to families in need,” Knight said.
The Diaper Drive is accepting donations in room 109 until Sept. 22.
The needs in Houston include adult diapers, pull-ups, baby diapers and wipes.
There is going to be a shipment of the donations to the Texas Diaper Bank, which consists of 2,800 volunteers around Sept. 30. From there, they will be distributed to aid those affected by Hurricane Harvey.
Knight believes that students should not hesitate to donate.
“It really helps [the victims] down in Houston, and we would like all students to participate,” Knight said.

Meet Justine Wheeler. This is Justine’s junior year and her second year on staff. Last year, she worked on the Green Pride as a staff reporter. Her favorite...