Green Pride staff says goodbye to their senior leaders
The Green Pride staff takes a group photo for the last time after the end of the year celebratory party on May 15.
As the end of the school year rolls around, it is time to say goodbye to the ones who managed all chaos and dealt with late page designs from underclassmen: the senior staff. In order for The Green Pride to keep up with the content being posted on the website and written about on print issues, the staff must work as one invincible team. Without the newspaper hierarchy listing seniors at the top, journalism would fade away at the snap of Thanos’ fingers. This letter goes out to the senior staff members of The Green Pride: the National Merit Scholar Sam Hubert, the aesthetic Ellie Fowks, the Freddie Mercury enthusiast Lizzy Arnold, the artistic Abby Smith, the silent but opinionated Clara Sloan, the best video journalists Diego Gamboa and Peyton Hadley and last but not least, the woke Green Pod hosts Daniel Apple and Cody Murphy.
When it comes to peer editing stories, Hubert will obliterate articles with no remorse. But towards the end of the year, Arts and Entertainment editor Hayley Moss figured out that his red pen of destruction was meant for improvement in the future.
“We [staff members] were not used to the blatant honesty when it came to editing articles and page designs, but looking back, I realized that Sam genuinely wanted to make The Green Pride a place of good content,” Moss said.
In previous years, the content being produced on The Green Pride website and print issues have been adequate, but Hubert has made it his goal as editor-in-chief to push the staff to publish higher quality content.
Not only is the improvement of The Green Pride attributed to Hubert, but Fowks and Arnold played a tremendous role in helping first year staff members feel at home. The dynamic duo worked hard to make The Green Pride’s page designs look appealing and make sure the new members were comfortable with writing and designing.
First year staff reporter Erin Pickert is especially going to miss them due to the help and encouragement she got from them.
“When I first started newspaper, I was not confident in my writing but then Lizzy and Ellie helped me to trust my journalistic abilities,” Pickert said.
Along with Pickert gaining confidence from Fowks and Arnold, she attributes newspaper’s fun work environment to them.
“Ellie and Lizzy made the newspaper team feel like a family because they were always thinking of way to get everyone involved,” Pickert said. “I’m really going to miss them because they created such a supportive atmosphere for the staff.”
For staff reporter Hunter Finerty, seniors such as Smith and Sloan have helped develop what The Green Pride is today by transforming page designs and strengthening article content.
“I definitely feel like Abby and Clara had an incredible impact on the the paper. Their creativity and design abilities have really pushed the Green Pride to new levels and I am so happy I got to work with them,” Finerty said.
Video journalists Hadley and Gamboa have left their mark on newspaper by helping out other first-year members like staff reporter Lauren Stanton and video journalist Erica Hoelting.
“I definitely will miss them both. Peyton has helped me with Premiere Pro and making my stories the best they can be. Diego has also helped me structure my stories and think of new ideas,” Hoelting said.
As a staff reporter, Stanton will miss Hadley and Gamboa because of all of the memories they have made together.
“I will miss Peyton’s ability to bring light to my day and make me laugh,” Stanton said. “I will never forget watching funny and weird videos with them.”
As the staff says their goodbyes to the seniors on staff, opinion editor Maggie Kroeger is sad to see the creators of the Green Pod, Apple and Murphy, go.
“I think the idea of the Green Pod was a great way to bring new content to out newspaper and to really transform our publication,” Kroeger said.
Not only do Apple and Murphy produce great content on the podcast, they have also left a positive mark on the staff.
“I think I am really going to miss their creative energy they bring to the class and their humor. Whenever I’m having a bad day, Daniel always cheers me up,” Kroeger said. “I will miss the creative liveliness Cody brings and his knowledge that he has contributed to the improvement of The Green Pride.”
Overall, the senior staff leaders this year have played a major role in the development of new ideas and traditions for The Green Pride. For the senior leaders reading this, the staff would like to thank you for all of the hard work and contributions made for The Green Pride. The staff believes you all will go places and wish you the best of luck with your future endeavors.
The remaining Green Pride staff

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