Ron Lewis comes out of retirement to long-term sub for DHS physics

DHS long-term physics sub Ron Lewis demonstrates the physics of rubbing a balloon on one’s head.
When De Soto High School was in desperate need of a long-term substitute teacher for physics second semester, Ron Lewis answered the call, taking over for Ben Cook.
Previously, Lewis taught both physics and chemistry at Tonganoxie High School. Lewis had been retired for three years, but returned to teaching this semester to be a long-term sub for DHS.
“I just thought that the kids needed someone who could help them, and that’s why I’ve been here,” Lewis explained.
Lewis has especially enjoyed getting to know DHS students.
“I would say the kids have been very, very respectful and very, very nice. They’ve been very polite,” Lewis said.
Lewis believes that some physics students were frustrated with constantly changing subs, which can make it difficult to really learn the material. Because of this, students have been both kind and helpful towards Lewis during his time at DHS so far.
Lewis is beginning to learn many students’ names and has been working on getting to know everyone better.
“There’s probably been eight or 10 of them [students] that I’ve gotten to know a little better than some of the others, and that’s been really good,” Lewis said.
Lewis believes it is important for all students to learn about physics because it is used in so many professions as well as in everyday life.
“Physics has so many things that you use it for. For example, we just studied electricity and every one of you is going to use electricity in your homes and in your cars,” Lewis said.
Lewis believes that if you learn “just a little bit about it [physics], you can save yourself problems down the line.”
Lewis’s favorite part about teaching is getting to see students grow and improve academically.
According to Lewis, De Soto has always had a reputation as a good academic school and both the students and staff have been very helpful towards him.
The only bad part about long-term subbing for Lewis? Getting up at 6:00 a.m.

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