Scholars Bowl earns another bid to State

Varsity Scholars Bowl team poses with their state plaque on Feb. 2.
The varsity Scholars bowl team competed at the 5A regional tournament at Washington High school on Feb. 2. The team received second place overall and qualified to compete in the State Tournament.
With a 9-2 record, the team is very content with the way the season is going. Varsity Scholars Bowl team captain Simon Couch was proud of the team and how they worked together at regionals, despite losing a few rounds.
“I think we played really well as a team and we knew that we were going to drop some rounds, and when we did drop the rounds we didn’t get demotivated,” Couch said.
At this tournament, history was made by having total participation of all six members that contributed to the end result of placing second at regionals.
The team is preparing for the upcoming state tournament in Lansing on Saturday Feb. 11 by practicing everyday after school.
“[At practice we are] really focusing on remembering the things we haven’t been able to and just being really quick to hit the buzzer,” said senior and varsity scholars Bowl Member Mackenzie Smith.
Couch believes that the team is ready for State, but they need to mentally prepare for the stress of such a large tournament.
“We are just practicing as usual and trying to keep our confidence high, really we are not cramming [information] anymore, we know as much as we know,” Couch said. “ it’s just a matter of having the right mindset as we go in.”
The Scholars Bowl team has seen great success this season and they have a hopeful attitude towards how the State tournament will go. The team is filled with versatile players who all have different skill sets and abilities.
“I think we work really well together as a team, we all have a category that we like the most and that we are the best at individually and as a team that makes us good,” Smith said.

Meet Lizzy Arnold. This is Lizzy's senior year, as well as her fourth year on staff. She has previously worked on the Green Pride as a videojournalist,...