2017 Homecoming parade

The De Soto High School varsity boys' soccer team cheer from the top of the soccer float on Sept. 20.

Reaghan Wharff

The De Soto High School varsity boys’ soccer team cheer from the top of the soccer float on Sept. 20.

With this week being De Soto High School’s homecoming week, many exciting things have happened, including the annual homecoming parade on Wednesday, Sept. 20.

The homecoming parade stared at the De Soto Aquatic Center and ended at the DHS football stadium.sIt was followed by a spirit rally and the annual Powder Puff football games.

“[The parade helps] promote our student athletes and students involved in co-curriculars and help our community acknowledge their efforts, support and involve the community in De Soto High School, Principal Dustin Mortenson said.

People from all over town came to line the streets and watch the high school made floats go by.

“Going through the town is really neat, it creates a community atmosphere and it does not hurt that we end with the Powder Puff games. That is a lot of fun,” Mortenson said.

Each fall sport had their own float, the princes and princesses had their own float, as well as each class. The king and queen candidates all road in convertibles. Every float threw candy to the patrons on the sidewalks. Many floats also played their own music.

The homecoming parade is an event a lot of students look forward to that brings spirit to DHS.

“Without a doubt, homecoming this week was the most spirited it has been in my four years [here],” Mortenson said.