Wildcat of the Week – Elaine Mayer

Sydney Hoover

Senior Elaine Mayer poses for a picture.

Although De Soto High School has many seniors participating in many different events, Elaine Mayer is the sole representative of the senior class on the DHS throwing team.

Mayer has been on the team since her freshman year, and has seen many different coaching changes.

“Coach Foster, a former math teacher, was my first throwing coach my freshman year,” Mayer said. “After that, they hired Coach Grizzle for the throwing coach, and it’s been quite an adventure ever since. Once my junior season was finished, Coach McAfee announced to everyone that he was leaving, and Coach Wilbur took his place. So, I have seen a lot of changes on the team.”

Being the lone senior representing the throwers, Mayer has been Grizzle’s helper this year, helping out newcomers and making sure that everything runs smoothly.

“It’s weird being the only senior, but I have had a lot of fun, and it’s nice getting to know some underclassmen,” Mayer said.

With the league track and field meet coming up on Thursday May 12 and graduation following just two days after, Mayer says she has a lot to prepare for.

“League and graduation being in the same week is definitely as hassle,” Mayer said, “but I’m glad that DHS is hosting the meet. It makes everything a lot easier knowing I’m at home competing.”

Despite being a member of the track team, Mayer was also known throughout the school for her parking spot, which was featured on the app iFunny as a top post in August of 2015.

“I wanted to go out with a bang this year, and I thought ‘why not just have a giant meme put on your parking spot?’” Mayer said. “I’ve gotten many compliments on it, and I think it’s funny to this day how popular it got.”

Despite this being her final few moments walking the halls at DHS, Mayer is ready for the next big step in her life.