Fellowship of Christian Athletes hopes for larger student involvement

Fellowship of Christian Athletes attendants participate in the circle prayer to mark the end of a meeting at De Soto High School on Sept. 3, 2021.

Fellowship of Christian Athletes [FCA] is a De Soto High School Christian group that meets every Friday at 7:15 a.m in the Black Box.

All students are invited to attend the group where they will be led in worship, prayer and a lesson often taught by a fellow peer.

FCA has experienced a large growth of attendants, ranging from 25-40 students every Friday. 

Many students feel extremely passionate about the group and hope to get more students involved in FCA, especially after a huge loss to the program after COVID-19’s impact. 

Senior FCA leader Lauren Bradley has been attending FCA since sixth grade and witnessed the regression in attendance of students after COVID-19.

“It was hard after [COVID-19] to get FCA back up on its feet … those obstacles almost fully dissolved any part of FCA that was left, considering leaders had graduated and everyone felt a sense of separation from one another,” Bradley said. 

The senior leaders now are determined to bring the group to its full potential and continue to spread positivity to their peers.  

“FCA became something that a few of us were determined to grow so that we could share love to others at our school,” Bradley said.

Besides senior leaders, many other regular attendants feel very strongly about the group as well and the friendships they have created within it. 

“FCA has made me realize that I’m not alone,” sophomore leader Ailey Freeman said. 

 “In high school everyone is different, and that’s something to appreciate and celebrate. But it’s also a great relief to all gather with one common goal and lift each other up.” 

A unique aspect of FCA is the lessons taught are usually relating to school, sports, mental health or things every high schooler can relate to. They are also taught as well by a student leader or attendant.

“One of my favorite lessons taught was one given by Josephine Butler. It was about mental health and how God can be a safe place and a renewing source of hope for people who are in a tough place,” Bradley said. 

“My favorite lesson so far has been from Kellan Mahnken, and it was on sports. She talked about how sports can cause a lot of anxiety and stress but we can cast all of it onto God because he cares for us. This was an especially great reminder for me because it was around cross country  Regionals,”  sophomore attendant Hope Marriott said.  

While many people enjoy the lessons given, many stay for the environment they feel is comfortable and inviting.

“The environment is incredible … FCA is a way for people who need fulfillment, love, peace, hope, acceptance or anything really to find what they need. And no matter what is previously thought of to be ‘accepted’ in a Christian environment it’s not really true for this group. Everyone serves, accepts and loves all people who come regardless of anything,” Freeman said. 

Along with the environment of FCA, many attendants all have favorite parts that really make it a well-liked group.

“My favorite part about FCA is the worship at the beginning and the circle prayer at the end because it is a great way to get together and unite as believers in our school and worship,” Marriott said.