Students attend mock interviews
Students in Caroline Friday’s Career and life Planning Class invited professional employees to come into their class and have a mock interview day on Tuesday, May 9.
The students spent many class periods making their resume, cover letter and references sheet. They also had to ask someone who was not in their family to write them a letter of recommendation.
For Friday, she spent weeks planning this day out and making sure everything went perfect.
“We practiced with each other by doing short timed interviews with different classmates, ” Friday said. “We also talked about what questions the students might be asked and how to respond.”
Some students might have been a little more nervous than others but believed that they learned some important skills.
“I was a little nervous before my first interview because I had never met the person who I was interviewing with,” sophomore Lauryn Williams said. “After interviewing with them, I gained skills like confidence and better communication skills.”
For sophomore Bailey Brin, she gained knowledge about what a future interview for a job might be like.
“I’ve never had a real job interview. But, after the mock interviews, I feel more prepared for what might come,” Brin said.
Friday received positive feedback from the professionals about how well the students were prepared and confident in themselves.
“From the feedback I got from the professionals who were here, all the feedback was very positive,” Friday said. “They couldn’t say enough nice things about how prepared the students were and about how some are going to do great things in the future.”
Friday plans to continue the mock interviews in her class every year to help the students gain simple skills such as firm handshakes and eye contact.