Drama students perform self-directed productions
In a new theater program experiment, DHS advanced drama students performed Almost Maine, a collection of multiple short scenes, or vignettes, on April 4 and 6. However, there was one twist to the production: the students directed their own performances.
“I tried to stay as far away from it as I could,” drama teacher Jason Hagg said. “I’m definitely seeing stuff that I might’ve changed … but I’m [also] seeing stuff that I really like.”
Students had to manage a condensed period as compared to other DHS performances, completing rehearsals in six weeks, and the set in only three days. They were keen to emphasize the difference between student and teacher direction.
“It gives us a different feeling of pride,” sophomore actress Emma Leonard said. “It’s one thing when you just put on the show, but since you’re creating everything that goes into it, it’s a good feeling.”
Junior Ben Pickert took on the dual responsibility of directing three of the productions along with acting in one.
“The biggest stress just came from dividing my time equally,” Pickert said. “Oftentimes I would have to meet outside of school to work on the scenes.”
Despite the pressure of putting together four productions, Pickert still enjoyed the process and hopes that the theater department will continue to explore the possibilities of student productions.
“Honestly, I think this is my favorite show that I’ve ever been [a part of] here,” Pickert said.
Meet Sam Hubert. Sam has been a member of the Green Pride for 3 years and is excited to take the helm of the newspaper as an Editor-in-Chief this year....